Picchiottino Construction Company

 Matt Picchiottino is an inspiring artist who works with multi-media. Some of his favorite materials to work with are steel, cement, found objects, wood, stone, ceramic and paint.


Some of Matt's work is on display and for sale at a gallery called Artisan's Collective in the Bishops Arts District located in Dallas, Texas. 


Matt showed three pieces at an event held by Fort Worth CanDo at the Fort Worth Community Arts Center January 9-30, 2009. The show was titled Buzzworms in the Backyard and was an exhibition of art against urban gas drilling.

An excerpt from an article written by Fort Worth Weekly - "At Fort Worth Community Arts Center, the ennui eases up a bit, thanks mainly to the charged atmosphere. For the past two years, Fort Worth CanDo, a nonprofit organization devoted to combatting urban gas drilling, has put on Buzzworms in the Backyard, an awareness-raising group show. Most of the pieces are heavy-handed. One of the cheekiest is the venerable Carol Ivey's mixed-media assemblage. In "Energy Drink," she reconstitutes the sludge created by fraccing as a sports drink. Ingredients, according to the text on a handy sheet of posterboard, include "respiratory toxicants," "carcinogens," and "endocrine disruptors." A plastic bottle bearing the name of one of the leaders in urban gas drilling, Chesapeake Energy, contains what we must presume is actual fraccing sludge. Gag.The two best pieces overall - and, incidentally, both of which look as though they took 10 years to make - are untitled sculptures: one by Matt Picchiottino, the other by Jonathan Sanders. Picchiottino's spherical assemblage of twisting, intersecting ribbons of rusty steel could be Vulcan's armillary globe"



On April 25, 2009 Matt participated in the Oak Cliff Art Crawl where several Art Galleries and Artist studios opened their doors for receptions and festivities in Oak Cliff. Artworks of all mediums were on display. Participating galleries included Cube Creative, Ice House Cultural Center, Soda Gallery, Decorazon, Texas Theater, 9th Street Town Homes, Bishop Arts Studio Co-op, Mighty Fine Arts, Rorschach Gallery and more. This was a fun filled art crawl with live bands, free refreshments and beverages, and a unique art experience at each venue.

Matt's piece in the photograph below was shown at Rorschach Gallery 


Matt was proud to be involved with a Tree Carving Event held by La Reunion. 

La Reunion TX (est. January 2006) is creating an arts residency in Dallas that will host artists working in a variety of media for periods ranging from one week to one year. In exchange for live/work space, artists will be expected to give back to the community through programs, exhibits, performances, and installations. Our residency will be built on a 35 acre site in Oak Cliff and will be as green and high performing as possible, modeling to the community sustainable living. Our site features a giant railroad trestle, left over from high speed mass transit of yesteryear.  In addition, our business plan has an eye toward long-term sustainability not only with our facility, but also with the bottom line. We seek to transform our community through art and create lasting social change in Dallas.

One of our Environmental Art Programs is Tree Carving - creating North Texas' first and only decomposing outdoor sculpture garden.  Unhealthy and non–native trees have been tagged by Preservation Tree and approved by the City of Dallas for banding – a technique where the bark is hacked off one hands width around the trunk of the tree, thus inhibiting growth and slowly killing the tree from the inside out. The dying tree becomes a feast for insects and birds and restores a more balanced ecosystem. With artists doing the banding, the tree also becomes a long–term decomposing installation. 
 Partners for Tree Carving include Preservation Tree and Texas Discovery Gardens. 
Our Second Annual Tree Carving and Open House were held on February 7, 2009.  400+ folks toured the site and saw the trees. Find out more at http://www.lareuniontx.org

Robotree (probably not the real name!) was created by Jon Sanders, Oliver Bradley, David Blood, and Matt Picchiottino. found at http://www.pegasusnews.com/photos/galleries/2009/feb/16/wild-art-photos-new-union-station-farewell-mr-bush/

The tree they created is pictured below

 More examples of Matt's work: